Classification of rock

  Classification of rock

In this post we will discuss the types of rock which are classified under different categories

After reading this article you are able to answer.
1) classification of rock?
2) different types of rocks such as igneous, sedimentary,etc.

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Let's start 👇👇👇

1). Geological classification

I. Igneous rock

➢ These are primary unstratified rock which is formed due to volcanic eruption & 
solidification of magma.
➢ They are hard in nature.
➢ They are hard in nature

 Also readFoundation and it's types

a). if magma comes out & dandifies over the ground surface known as effusive rock eg. 
basalt & trap.
b). if magma solidifies at shallow depth below the ground surface, is known as hypabyssal 
rock eg. Dolerite
c). if magma solidifies at deep depth from ground surface is known as deep seated 
plutonic rock eg. Granite, syenite, diorite, gabbro etc.

II. Sedimentary rock

➢ these are stratified rocks which is aqueous in nature.
➢ It is form due to transportation of sediments because of weathering agecy 
(wind rain)
➢ Example → sandstone, dolomite, diatomite, majestic.

III. Metamorphic rock

➢ they are achieved from igneous & sedimentary rock because of metamorphic 
action such as earth pressure, earth movement, liquid pressure, air pressure etc.

Also read Cement


2). Physical classification

1). stratified

They are soft in nature & can be easily split. 
eq sandstone, dolomite, diatomite, magnesite, limestone, Tripoli, tufas etc (all examples 
same as sedimentary)

ii). unstratified

they are hard in nature & cannot be easily split

Also read Surveying

Eg. granite, syenite, etc (ALL egs same as igneous)

iii). Foliated

They are granular structure rock & all the metamorphic rocks (except quartzite & marble) 
are example of foliated rock.

3). chemical classification

I. Siliceous rocks

Principal component – silica (S1O2).
eg sandstone, granite, basalt, trap, syenite etc

II. Calcareous 

Principal component – lime
eg. limestone, marble, dolomite etc.

III. Argillaceous

Principal component – alumina (clay)
eg. State, laterite etc

Classification of rock Classification of rock Reviewed by Digitech education on April 14, 2020 Rating: 5

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