Classification of foundation
1) Shallow Foundation
B > D or
π΅/D> 1
2) Deep Foundation
B ≤ D or π΅/π·≤ 1
Types of shallow Foundation
1) Concrete Pedestal Foundation
• This footing is provided for the columns containing very small external load.
• It is the most economical & basic type in which there is no need of
• A min longidned R/F is provided without any lateral R/F.
• The Depth of this footing depends upon angle b/w the points of exterior edge
of column & exterior edge of footing.
2) Isolated Footing
• This footing is provided for individual columns.
• This footing is provided when there is no limitation for space.
• This footing is provided for single shear ( one way shear & double shear (Two
way punching shear)/
• The depth of footing is chucked along the moment generated along the footing
from exterior edge of column.
3) combined footing
When the under to center distance b/w column in so small that there isolated
footings overlap with each other. Then combined footing is provided.
• Combined Footing is designed such that the center of gravity of loads must
coincide with center of gravity of footing.
• Combined Footing is designed in the form of rectangular continuo beam having
+ve & -ve moments.
• There are 2 types of combined Footings:
i) Rectangular Footing
→ When there is no space limitation for length & width of footing.
ii) Trapezoidal footing
→ When there is space limitation of length or width of footing.
4) Mat/ Raft Footing
• It is a special case of combined footing in which all the columns of structure
along both directions are provided with a common footing.
• It is provided in which the distance b/w columns is small & the safe bearing
capacity of soil is law.
• When no. of columns in 1 row are provided with a common footing, the footing
is known as footing.
• Combined footing, strip footing & mat footing are designed to centered
differential settlement in structure due to column leads.
Deep Foundation
• This foundation is provided when load is very heavy & the condition of sail is
not good at surface.
• This foundation is generally provided in the form of pile foundations.