Design of shear Reinforcement

Design of shear Reinforcement

First read👇👇👇

1). Shear stress is calculated on the bases of external shear force.
Ø­v = V/bd
v = External shear force
B = width
d = effusive depth

2). max shear stress depends upon grade of concrete only
Ø­cmax = 0.631 √Fck

3). The shear stress depends upon grade of concrete & quantity of steel (% of steel)
%p =( Ast/bs)×100

4). if Ø­v < Ø­c ➔ min shear R/F is provided & the amount of shear R/F can be 
calculated by
(Asv/bSv) > 0.4 /0.87fy

5). If Ø­c < Ø­v < Ø­cmax
➔ shear force(Vc) = Ø­cbd
• additional shear (Vs) = V-Vc , 
 Where V= total shear

Spacing (Sv) = 0.87fyAsvd/(V-Vc)

• Max. spacing
 1). 0.75 d (Vertical stirrups )
2). d( inclined )
3). 300mm 
Which is less

6). If Ø­v > Ø­ emax
➔ Redesign the given section of beam
➔ increase the depth of beam section