Flexure Equation OR Bending Equation

Flexure Equation OR Bending Equation

M/I= 𝜎/𝑦= 𝐸/𝑅

M → Moment of Resistance or max. B.M.
𝜎 → Bending stress induced due to applied B.M.
E → Young’s modulus of Elasticity
R → Radius of Curvature

Bending moment = Lesser
Curvature = Lesser
Radius of curvature= Greater

 B.M. = Greater
Curvature = Greater
Radius of curvature= Lesser
 Curvature = 1/𝑅

1) If B.M. is increases, its curvature increases. As a result, Radius of curvature will decrease.
2) If B.M. decreases, its curvature decreases/ As a result, Radius of Curvature will 
→ It is the distance from Neutral Axis (NA) to Extreme Fiber.

M = σI/ymax

𝐼 = It is moment of inertia of whole section about Neutral Axis.
 Unit → mm4

Section Modulus (Z)

Z = 𝐈/𝐲
 ∴ unit → mm3

It is a ratio of moment of inertia of whole section about neutral axis to distance from 
neutral axis to extreme fiber.

Z = moment of Inertia of whole Section about N.A / Distance from N.A to extreme Fibre 

M = 𝜎 Z

1) As the section modulus increases, strength increases. As a result, moment of 
Resistance will increase.
2) While comparing the strength of two sections always compare their section modulus (Z).

Flexure Equation OR Bending Equation Flexure Equation OR Bending Equation Reviewed by Digitech education on July 17, 2020 Rating: 5

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