Material and estimation or Rate analysis

Material and estimation

in this article we discuss some basic terminologies in material and estimation for rate analysis after reading this you article you will be able to answer many questions related to write analysis

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Overhead cost

• It is also called indirect cost.
• It is not the part of regular cost.

Following are the types of overhead cost.

1). General Overhead Cost

e.g. Posting, printing, travelling, telephone bill etc.

2). Job Overhead Cost

 e.g. Labour's compensation, establishment of new office.

Classification of Project

On the basis of cost, project work can be classified into following types:

1) Major
2) Minor
3) Petty

Major Work

It the cost of project is more than 2 lake

Minor work

If the coat of project is between 50k -2 lake

Petty work

If the cost of project is less than 50,000.

Some Importance Points

1). No. of bricks use in 1m3
brick work is 500.
2). Contractor profit is about 10% of total project cost.
3). the no. Of bricks carried by a truck is 4000.
4). The Volume of sand carried by a truck is 3 to 5m3.
5). The total amount of labour is about 25% of the total project.
6). The earthwork pavement is done in per 100m3 
7) No of bricks per 100,
8) Cement bag (per bag)

Types of Estimate

1). Approximate estimate 
2). Plinth area estimate
3). Cube rate estimate
4). Detailed estimate
5). Revise estimate

Following are the conditions for the Revise estimate

(a). If the variation is more than 5% of total sanction amount of the whole project.
(b). If variation is more than 10% of sanction amount of a particular work of a project.
(c). If there is material deviation (difference) is very large.

Supplementary estimate

➔ This estimate takes place due to development of new concept, design change etc
NOTE :- In cube rate estimate if there is slopy surface/mumty then we take average
height of that surface for measurement purpose.

Type of Area

1). Plinth Area

🇮🇳 It is the built up covered area of any building.
🇮🇳 it is measured outer to outer diagonally.
🇮🇳 The courtyard area/play ground is not included in the plinth area.
🇮🇳 If the area of lift/sanitary work is upto 2m2 than it will be included in the plinth 
area & vice versa
🇮🇳 Cantilever Porch is not included in the plinth area.
🇮🇳 Simply supported porch is included in plinth area.

2). Floor Area

Floor Area = Plinth Area – Area occupied by walls/intermediate support

Floor Area Ratio =( Area of all floors /Area Of Total Plot )×100

Area of Balcony

🇮🇳 It is included upto 50% in floor area.
🇮🇳 The construction cost of first floor is decrease by 15% (approx) as compared to 
Ground floor construction work.
🇮🇳 Floor area is measured inner to inner dimension excluding area of intermediate 

Circulation Area

🇮🇳 This area is generally use by persons for the movement purpose.

 It is generally of Two types

1). Vertical circulation Area 

• This area is used by the persone of building for vertical movement like as stair
case, lift etc
• It is about 3% of total plinth area

2). Horizontal Circulation Area

• This area is used for horizontal movement of the persons like as verandah.
• It is about 7% of total plinth area.

Carpet Area

• This area is also called living area/usable area etc.
Carpet Area = Floor Area – (circulation Area + Non usable area)
• The carpet area for commercial building is about 60 to 75% of total plinth area.
• The residential building carpet area is about 50 to 65% with a target of 65%

NOTE:- 1). Floor Area, carpet area, circulation area, plinth area etc. are measured at each floor/point.
2). Generally frame structcere are design on the basis of strong column & weak beam 

Technical Sanction 

Following are the power of accepting the tender.
Designation.                     upto
Chief Engineer                    ---> Full power
Superintending Engineer  --->  50 Lakh
Executive Engineer.           --->  10 lakh
Sub divisional Engineer   ---> (20-40)k
Junior Engineer                  ---->  no

➔ Chief engineer is the head of administrative department & he is directly 
responsible to the guest

➔ Superintending engineer is the head of circle & he is also called survey or 

NOTE:- Measurement book is considered as a BHAGVAT GEETA of JE

Account section 
Work %
1). Contractor- 10%
2). Labour charge -25%
3). Contingences charge- 3-5%
4). Electrification -8%
5). Electric fan- 4%
6). Water supply & sanitary -8%
7). Water charge- 1.5%
8). Departmental charge- 10-15%
9). Work charge establishment- 1.5-2%
10). Tools & plants- 1-1.5%

Work charge establishment

Additional supervising staff engages at site.

Contingences charges

It is a type of a irregular charge/indirect charge

Schedule of Rates 

It is the document which contain all the information regarding the per unit price of all the items excluding their quantity detail.

Quantity survey

This document contain details of quantity of all the items.

Factors affecting the the rate analysis

1) specifications

Types of works
Project cost,etc.

If the distance b/w Construction site & source of material is more than 8 km 
(5mile ➔ 1 mile = 1.6km), then transportation charge will be applicable


It is the work done by a skilled person in 1 day.
Work Quantity (per day per person)
1). Work in foundation with mud mortar 1.5m3
2). Work in foundation with lime/cement concrete 1.25m3
3). Work in superstructure with mud mortar 1.25m3
4). Wok in superstructure with lime/cement concrete 1m3
5). Distemper (one coat) 35m2
6). White washing/colour washing (1 coat) 200m2
7). White washing/colour washing (3 coat) 70m2
8). RCC Work 3m3
9). Lime concrete in Roof 6m3
10).R/F Brick work 1m3
11).12mm plastering with cement/lime morter 8m2
12). lime concrete in foundation/flowing 8.5m3
13). Half brick work/Partition wall 5m2
14). Brick work in foundation & plinth 1.25m3

Calculation of material

Cement – concrete work

For cement concrete work, we divide the 1.54 by the sum of ratio of the material & 
multiply it with the respective material ratio and total work to get quantity of that 
material in concrete work.
(DRY VOLUME) = (1.54/ sum of ratio )× Raspective material ratio × Total work

NOTE :- 
1). In case of lime concrete work we use 1.52 in place of 1.54.
 2). Volume of 1 bar of cement = 34.5 liter = 0.0345m3
 3). No of bags in 1m3 of cement volume
= 1/0.0345 = 28.8 bags (30 bags.)

Plastering work

• We increase the calculated volume by 30% (12mm thickness) & 20% (20mm
thickness) due to uneven surface.
• For dry volume calculation, we increase the above obtained volume by 25%

Flooring Work

• For flooring work the calculated volume is increased by 10% due to uneven
• We Increase the above calculated volume by 50% for dry volume calculation.

Brick work

Special Condition 1

Special condition 2
1). The calculated volume is increased by 15% due to frog filling & wastage of 
2). For dry volume calculation we increase above obtained

Material and estimation or Rate analysis Material and estimation or Rate analysis Reviewed by Digitech education on July 21, 2020 Rating: 5


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