Mortar | types of mortar | properties of mortar
After reading this you will be able to answer!
- what is brick masonry?
- what is mortar?
- what are the Classification of mortar?
- properties of good mortar
- how to perform compressive strength test of mortar
- different cement mortar ratios
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For construction of brick masonary, 2 things are important Brick and Mortar.
Mortar = Binding material + fine aggregate
Also read
Foundation and Types of foundation
Classification of rock
Classification of Mortar
1) On the basis of Binding Material
- Gypsum Mortar
- Lime Mortar – Setting time = 120 min
Also read Types of cement
- Cement Mortar – Setting time = 30 min
- Gauged Mortar (Lime-Cement Mortar) – 1:6 – 1:8
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To enhance the strength of lime Mortar, Cement is added in ratio of 1:6 to 1:8 , known as Lime cement Mortar or Gauged Mortar.
2) On the basis of Bulk density (π¬t)
π¬t =( G+se/1+e)π¬w
π¬w= unit weight of water
if π¬t > 15KN/m3 or 1500 kg/m3 ⇒ Heavy Mortar
if π¬t < 15KN/m3 or 1500 kg/m3 ⇒ Low Mortar
3) On the basis of Uses/applicaions
- Brick Laying Mortar - For wall construction
- Finishing mortar - For plaster/ for decorative purpose or for ornamental works
4) On the basis of aggregate used mortar can be classified as
- Sand mortar
- Surkhi mortar
- Sand-surkhi mortar
5 ) Special type of mortar
- Packing mortar
- fire resistance mortar
- Damp proof mortar
- X ray shielding mortar
- Sound absorbing mortar
Damp proof mortar
It is prepared using high
grade sulphate resisting cement as
binding material and quartz sand
Sound absorbing mortar
It is prepared with Psc
lime gypsum as binding material
and caustic magnesite sand as aggregate
fire resistance mortar
It is prepared by using
surkhi made for fire clay bricks
X ray shielding mortar
It is heavy mortar
required for plastering wall and
roof of x
ray cabinets
It is prepared from well graded sand and OPC or
Packing mortar
used for packing oil wells
there mortar may be cement-sand, Cement-lime
Properties of mortar
- It should be cheap
- It should be easily workable
- It should not effect the durability of other building components
- It should be capable of developing design stresses
- It should be capable of developing good adhesive bonding between other building components
- It should be capable of resisting the penetration of water through it
- It should be durable
Compressive Strength Test of Mortar
Prepare a Mortar of cement mortar is 1:3 ratio when added water in it. (π/4+3) %, where ,
P = Percentage amount of water required to achieve standard consistency.
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Fill 6 numbers of cube with this paste which has dimension 70.3 mm (surface area = 50cm2 ).
Watch video - Brick masonry
Place this cube in an open atmosphere for 24 hours after casting & after that place
them in water.
3 cubs tested in 7 days
3 cubs tested in 28 days
To find out the compressive strength, apply the load of 350 Kg/cm2/min till the failure
does not occur.
Compressive strength = Applied load/Cross sectional area
Nature of Work & cement Mortar Ratio
- Construction in waterlogged area -1:3
- Damp Proof course- 1:2
- Plaster Work- 1:3 – 1:4
- Normal brick Work -1:3 – 1:4
- Reinforced brick work -1:3
- Lining of Canal -1:2 – 1:3