Uniformity Coefficient | Coefficient of curvature

 What is uniformity coefficient and Coefficient of curvature

What is uniformity coefficient and Coefficient of curvature

In this article we will discuss 

What is uniformity coefficient and Coefficient of curvature

i.e, Cc and Cu

The very first question arises what is D10,D30 and D60

What is uniformity coefficient and Coefficient of curvature

D10 -It represents the size such that 10% particles are finer than this size.  

2. It is also known as effective size or effective diameter.

D30 -----> it represents the size such that 30% particles are finer than this size.

D60 ----->It represents the size such that 60% particles are finer than this size.

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Uniformity Coefficient

Cu = D60 / D10 

For gravels ------->Cu> 4

for sand     -------> Cu> 6

for uniformly graded soil -------> Cu≈1

for poorly graded soil ----> Cu>10

Uniformity coefficient Represents the particle size range of distribution curve.  

Coefficient of curvature

Cc=( D30 ) square / D10×D60

Well graded soil 1<Cc<3 

• Represents shape of particle size distribution curve.

Well graded Soil

The soil in which good representation of all the particle sizes exist (Quantity almost


Poorly graded soil

In this soil, some particles are in excess & some particles are deficient.

Uniformly graded soil

In this soil, most of the particles are of same size&other particles are negligible


1. Uniformly graded soil has min strength & stability.

2. Well graded soil has max strength & stability

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