Sludge bulking | Geotechnical Engineering

 Sludge bulking

In this article we discussed  :- 

What is sludge bulking

Why is is formed

Effects of sludge bulking

How to avoid sludge bulking


Sludge having poor settling characteristic is term as bulking of sludge

It is formed due to the growth of filamentous microorganism in the system

 these microorganism are found due to low nutrient content, High sludge age and low f/ m ratio (<.3/d )

Sludge bulking result in excessive loss of MLSS  from the system there by reduces its efficiency

 in order to avoid sludge bulking either secondary sedimentation tank is chlorinated or nutrient content is increased in the system 

such that BOD5 :N:P = 100 : 5 : 1 

Sludge bulking | Geotechnical Engineering Sludge bulking | Geotechnical Engineering Reviewed by Digitech education on October 10, 2021 Rating: 5

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