Civil engineering interview questions | Civil Engineering


Most important  civil engineering interview questions

In this article we discussed the most important civil engineering interview questions

1. Height of building = 3.15m

2. Height of parapet wall = 1m.

3. Height of window = 2.1m.

4. Minimum thickness of slab=125mm.

5. Minimum thickness of lintel = 15cm.

6. Thickness of DPC = 2,5cm.

7. diameter(maximum) of the bars used for lapping is 36mm. Bars having more than this diameter are not allowed for lapping. 

8. diameter(minimum) of bars used in slab = 8mm.

9. Minimum diameter of bars used in column= 12mm.

10. Minimum number of bars used in square or rectangular column = 4 bars.

11. Minimum number of bars used in circular column= 6 bars.

12. Maximum diameter of bars used in slab = 1/8 thickness of slab.

13. Maximum chair spacing=1m.

14, Chairs minimum of 12 mm diameter bars to be used.

15.  diameter(minimum) used for dowels bars is 12mm.

16. Longitudinal reinforcement should not be less than 0.8% and not be more than 6% of gross area of cross section.

17. Binding wire required in steel reinforcement is 8kg/metric ton.

18. Weight of 1 cement bag = 50kg.

19. 1 bag of cement = 1.25 cubic feet = 0.0347 cubic meter.

20. No. of cement bags in 1m^3 = 28.8 bags.

21. Initial setting time of cement = 30 min.

22. Final setting time of cement = 10hrs

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23. PH value of the water should not be less than 6.

24. Riser for staircase = 150mm to 200mm.

25. Tread of staircase = 250mm to 300mm.

26. Angle of staircase = 25° to 40⁰.

27. Tensile or Flexural strength of concrete = 0.7√[fck]

28. Modulus of elasticity of concrete = [Ec = 5000 √[fck]

29. Young's modulus of steel = [Es=2x10^5 N/mm2].

30. F.O.S for steel = 1.15.

31. F.O.S for concrete = 1.5 .

32. Standard size of bricks in India 190mmx90mmx90 mm or 19cmx9cmx9cm.

33. A good brick clay contains 20 to 30% of alumina, 50 to 60% of silica and the remaining constituents are Lime, Magnesia, Sodium, Potassium, Manganese and iron oxide.

34. Colour of good brick is deep red, cherry or copper Coloured.

35. Compressive strength of brick is 3.5 N/mm2.

36. Maximum water absorption of first class brick is 15% of its dry weight.

37. The excess amount of silica in the clay  impart brittleness to bricks

38. Process of manufacturing of bricks consists of Preparation of brick clay, Moulding bricks, drying of bricks and Burning of bricks.

39. Moulding of bricks may be hand moulding or machine moulding. 

40. The burning of dry bricks is done either in lampor inc

41. The ingredients of ordinary cements are Lime, Silica, Alumina, Calcium sulphates, Iron oxide, Magnesia, Sulphur & Alkali's.

42. Ordinary Portland cement consists of 62 to 67% of Lime.

43. The initial setting time of ordinary Portland cement should not be less than 30 minutes.

44. The final setting time of ordinary Portland cement should not be more than 10 hours.

45.  Vicat's apparatus is used to determine the Initial and Final setting time of cement.

46. The normal consistency of Portland cement is about 25%

47. When concrete is to be laid under water, Quick setting cement is used.

48. Maximum free fall of concrete allowed to 1.50m.

49. workability test of concrete
(a). Slump Test 

(b). Compaction Factor test

(c). Vee-Bee Test.

50. Test On Hardened Concrete

(a). Rebound (Schmidt) Hammer Test.

(b). Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test.


M5 = 1:5: 10

M7.5 = 1:4:8

M10 1: 3: 6

M15 = 1: 2:4

M20 = 1: 1.5: 3

M25 = 1: 1: 2

M30 & above grade based on Design Mix,

Civil engineering interview questions | Civil Engineering Civil engineering interview questions | Civil Engineering Reviewed by Digitech education on November 28, 2021 Rating: 5

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