Types of Admixtures

 Types of Admixtures

Substance used to increase the properties of concrete is known as admixtures

Admixture are of following types 

1. Plasticizers 

it is used to improve the workabilty of concrete

ex.Modifed ligno sulpohate (MLS), Sulphonated nepthaline Formaldehyde (SNF)

2. Super Plasticizers

it is also used to improve the workabilty of concrete

it is used to improve the workabilty of concrete
3. Retarder

it is used to delay the setting time

(i) Calicum sulphate (CaSO4 )
(ii) Gypsum (CaSO4 .2H2O)
(iii) Starches 
(iv) Cellulose
(v) Acid and Salts 
(vi) Sugar

4. Accleators 

used to Decrease the setting time
eg. Calcium chloride (CaCl2 )

5. Air Entering Admixtures