Assumptions of Boussinesq’s Theory


Assumptions of Boussinesq’s Theory

In this article we discussed the assumptions of boussinesq's theory

Some of the important assumptions of Boussinesqs theory

  1. Soil mass is elastic medium for which it has Constant Modulus of Elasticity
  2. Soil is homogeneous, isotropic, semi-infinite and elastic In nature
  3. Hooks law is valid i. e, Stress is directly Proportional to Strain
  4. Self weight of soil is neglected
  5. Soil is unstressed initially.
  6. Change In volume of soil is due to application of load is ignored.
  7. The top surface of soil is Fee from shear Stress and is only Subjected to point load or Concentrated load
  8. Distribution of Stresses about vertical axis is Symmetrical.


Assumptions of Boussinesq’s Theory Assumptions of Boussinesq’s Theory Reviewed by Digitech education on April 13, 2022 Rating: 5

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