Conclusion of types of windows in civil engineering


 In this article we will discuss Conclusion of types of windows in civil engineering

It is provided to permit the entry of air and light inside the building and to provide view of outside of building 

Types of  window 

Various types of windows are as follows 

Corner window 

It is provided at the corner of room

It has two faces in two direction

 Due to this light and air enters from two direction such a window improves the elevator of building also 

Gable window

It is a vertical window provided in the gable end of a room

Dormer window

It is a vertical window provided on a sloping roof with the object of providing and air to enclosed space below the roof

Bay window

This window is projected outward from the walls of room to provide an area of opening increased for admitting greater light and ventilation

Clerestory window

provided near the main roof of the room and opens above the adjoining verandah

Casement window

this is a very common type of window generally provided in a building 

The shutters of this type of window are opened like door

Sash or glazed window

 in this type of windows Panels are fully glazed

Conclusion of types of windows in civil engineering Conclusion of types of windows in civil engineering Reviewed by Digitech education on April 10, 2022 Rating: 5

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