Design Criteria for the design of shallow foundation.

 Design Criteria for the design of shallow foundation.

In this article, I discussed the major criteria to be followed while designing the shallow foundation in detail.

Bearing Capacity Criterion – A foundation must have safe

against shear failure which means the bearing capacity of

the soil should be more than the stress coming from the


Settlement Criterion – Settlement of the foundation must

be within the permissible limit. 

Excessive settlement may affect the utility of the structure, spoil the appearance of the

structure and in some cases, may damage the structure. 

Location and Depth Criterion – As per IS 1904,

Depth Criterion

  A foundation should be located at a minimum depth of 0.5 m below

ground level. 

The foundation should be placed below the zone of volume change

which may be caused due to seasonal weather changes, frost action,

swelling or shrinkage of soil. 

If the foundation is placed in the river, then it should be sufficiently below the deepest scour level.

Where there is excavation, pond, water course, water pipe leakage, filled up ground, soil weakened by root holes or cavities produced by burrowing animals or similar conditions, the foundation shall be carried down to a depth beyond the detrimental influence of such conditions.

Design Criteria for the design of shallow foundation.  Design Criteria for the design of shallow foundation. Reviewed by Digitech education on August 16, 2023 Rating: 5

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